Sunday, January 4, 2015

Derbi + Kreidler = love OR Why Matty D is awesome

Derbi + Kreidler = <3<3<3

So, since my latest break from the movies, I have been wrenching like crazy. I have been building bikes from most of the spares I had left over from the TAT as well as some new projects (more on this later). I realized midway through completion of some of my builds that I could feasibly put together 4 more Hobbits to sell and, THAT MONEY could go towards more builds of course....

I talked to Matty about seeing what kind of hobbit frames he had and if he was willing to part with any. He had mentioned that we trade for the labor of the "DERBLER" which, of course, I was stoked to do.

The Derbler idea came about around 2 years ago. At the time Matty had just gotten a sweet Kreidler moped from some one in Milwaukee I think (Alex maybe?) Anywho, it was Matty's idea to mount a Debi flatreed engine to the frame but still keep the bike looking like it was a stock engine....a "sleeper" of sorts that we could re-mount the original Kreidler sidecovers to keep the new power plant under wraps...

As soon as he mentioned the idea, I was in love. I liked the idea of the bike too.

Here are some of the reasons why the DERBLER is awesome::

1) fuck you
2) fuck you
3) Most everyone that does a flatreed new build almost ALWAYS builds the bike on a top tank chassis and that is lame
4) Spain and Germany, duh
5) Its orange with a racing stripe
6) Did I mention that it is a wobbly step though?

The project took me 4 days in total (2 fab, 2 paint) which is exactly twice as long as I estimated but, whatever, its done...

Here are the pics:

 Trying to figure out how it will fit
 beginning of cuts
 Still doesn't fit, looking for a different position than I originally planned.  (at this point, I was still considering using the orginal derbi swingarm that would mate to this engine.....the problem with that idea is that awesome Kreidler rear mags would likely not work)

More cutting
 It finally dawned on me that I was going to have to build a swingarm using the Kreidler swingarm. I was trying to avoid doing anywelding on the actual frame because I didn't want to mess up the original paint

 couldn't find 1/8" plate as readily as I would have liked so, I made it out of 2"x 1/8" flat stock
 more cuts

 engine/swingarm mount made....considering how to attach to Kreidler swingarm

 more cutting and flushing to frame (while not disturbing original paint)

 figured out the attachment, trying to figure out the offset to make sure that the 2 sprockets are in perfect alignment
 Quick check to make sure it works.... Break it down to paint
 so, because I had to weld on the swingarm, I decided that the swingarm was now going to be black
 Finished product..tightening up the loose ends


Off to the MONO shop for delivery 

Kind of sad to see it go but, its headed to my friend and I got some amazing builds going on of my own.........!!!!  To be continued...